About Us

Having my own boutique has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager. I grew up struggling with many insecurities. When I was younger I thought I was the only one that felt that way. I have grown to learn that many others struggle as well. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you. My Logo represents you and how I hope each piece purchased from A Little Moore Style makes you feel beautiful about yourself or the person you are gifting it too. The HEART represents that you really do matter.
Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a huge passion for animals. Especially those that have special needs or have suffered from trauma of any kind. I want to hold special events where a portion of the sales go to help animals in need. Hence the PAW.
When Kyler was 7 we got the news that he had a very rare tumor with less than 25% survival rate. Being a single parent only making 25K already struggling to keep utilities on. I know exactly what it’s like to not care about all the bills that would be pouring in or how in the world I would ever make ends meet. The ONLY thing that mattered was my kids and being there for my son every possible second I could be. My heart goes out to all the families that have a child going through something similar. Although we didn’t go through St. Jude's a portion of all sales will go to St. Jude's to help families in times like we went through. The HAND represents those kids fighting for their lives.
Growing up I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I used to run all my ideas past my Dad (successful entrepreneur). He always threw in that reason not to pursue an idea, until I told him about A Little Moore Style. He LOVED it!!! Dad is in heaven now. He loved old cars, fast cars, and Harley Davidson bikes. So the shiny CHROME FONT is for you Daddy. I hope you're proud.
NONE of this would have ever been possible if it wasn’t for my amazingly beautiful mother!! She has always been the wind beneath my wings on everything. She has supported me in every single step of making the dream of A Little Moore Style come true. I can not begin to thank you enough. XOXO
Here at A Little Moore Style we truly care a little Moore.